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An upcoming "roguelike" deckbuilder!

"Will you choose to endure the unknown, or will you it envelop you into an epic stupor?" 

It's all up to you, as you entrap yourself within this dark fantasy, and unleash your most powerful hand full of calamity in this surreal, singleplayer, strategy card game. 

"The earth shakes, the corruption runs through your mortal blood, and the voices will never cease to end. This was not how you wanted to spend your Saturday...
Gasp for air, as you are no longer blinded by the light."
An army of ordinary sentient denizens of all walks of life have been unwillingly unleashed and scattered upon an ancient prison holding a dastardly duo of sadistic supernatural beings who are ready to enact their biggest masterpiece yet, in the form of a despicable and perilous game
With no idea how they got here or what is happening. The naïve anti-hero(es) you choose to follow have no idea what dark fate is meant for them. Starting with nothing but hallucinations and poor-decisions fueled by overwhelming emotion, they must survive this surreal hellscape, they need to know the truth, and most importantly, the only end to this is being the last one standing. 
Yet entirely unbeknownst to them an ancient puppet master of pure evil is pulling the strings of this cataclysm, as it inches closer in its goal to completely destroy the entire universe...

In "Calamity cards" your character has been both extricated and plagued by an ancient curse forcefully gifted upon them, vernacularly fabled as the eliqua virus. With this tainted dark matter coursing through their blood they are able to wield the raw supernatural powers of their wildest dreams. Yet a great power... comes with a great loss of sanity and health if not managed appropriately. 

Unfortunately, logic and reason cannot help you now. The only guide or mentor you have  at your disposal is pure hallucinations fueled by your deepest emotions. Which are colloquially coined  as "Spirits" or any other name the anti-hero you chooses to attempt to interpret their subconscious will. 

With each novel tale or character comes a strange and different playstyle you must approach. After all the beauty is seeing the discord unraveling before your very eyes, and hopefully seek the ending you deserve.

Like every other roguelike, lightning never strikes twice, and if it does, that's simply a paradoxical anomaly you must fail to comprehend. And as you dive further, every possible playthrough of this abstraction seeks to be different, as shuffling a deck of infinite cards never draws the same hand twice. (And if it does that is a paradoxical anomaly as stated before!) 

Everything you do costs you precious time and "turns", and every decision you make is dependent on your blossoming deck of cards and the hand of them you currently are holding . Whether it be racing to the nexus of this spiraling death trap, slaughtering all who get in your way, or passively compromising  and exuberating kindness through every confrontation you face. 

After all, every confrontation is a fight, whether it be verbal, emotional, or even physical,  And it happens that everyone here is not in the best mood unfortunately.

 Confrontations are turn-based, and each card you play costs something in return for the gracious favors you are asking from it. You may choose to spend your stamina, eliqua, and sanity in any way you can, just know every Attack, Resolution, Action Effect, Burden, and Surrealities  that you take have severe consequences for better or for worse.

While you're not risking your life, emotional security, or sanity, you can delve deep into the ever-morphing world of the abyssal éanadán and befriend or betray its many inhabitants if you do chose to spend your precious time uncovering the mystery before you. As the truth is not as easily found when compared to following blind and linear orders. Prepare yourself to take catastrophic flight as inertia, perseverance and random chance will be the only things pushing you forward. Just how they did before this tragedy and blessing happened upon you...

"Remember that you hold the cards to your own fate and destiny"
"and always try to steer away from clichés"CALAMITY CARDS by SkylarkGSH and the CC community

The helpful TLDR
- Still in development and testing
- Versatile-paced, high-strategy, skill, and knowledge based-card game- Copious amount of effort put into the plot and lore of the game. 
-  Solo developer made, fueled by the community and always open to collaborations
- Diverse representation, attempting to steer away from cliche's, and a drive to be an original work of art.
-  Roguelike elements to enhance replayability. (Cross your fingers with the RNG)
-  Turn-based combat with a unique twist around every corner
- infinitely expandable and always growing

There is a Calamity Cards discord server, but it is private currently sorry!


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Seems a cool game.


Thank you so much! I am trying real hard to make it live up to the standards I am setting!